Inspect This (@

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Tue Nov 26 21:16:17 PST 2002

>..."`irrational and vindictive'' demeanor against adversaries such as Iraq may help deter conflict.

The view is contained in an internal study, ``Essentials of Post-Cold War Deterrence,'' written by the Strategic Command, the multiservice headquarters responsible for the nation's strategic nuclear arsenal.>...

Grimly fascinating, Ian.

For more see, "Minds At War:Nuclear Reality and the Inner Conflicts of Defense Policymakers, " by Steven Kull, Basic Books, 1989. Reviewed here by, ahem , McGeorge Bundy, who later wrote a tome himself on The Bomb. McGeorge's partner in crime, full name Eugene Victor Debs Rostow just died. Michael Pugliese P.S. (Kull and Kohut on Polling on Iraq War. )

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