Bush Names Kissinger to Head 9/11 Probe

Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Wed Nov 27 14:37:56 PST 2002

>Peter K. wrote:
>> >I just emailed Hitch for a comment. I wonder if Henry admires W's
>>>Texas six-shooter as much as our errant comrade.
>>And you wonder why he doesn't reply. Or is that an affectation?
>Actually he did reply. Called it "a gross insult" and promised to
>write a piece for Slate about it.
>That six-shooter remark was a bit over the top, don't you think?

Are you talking about the one Budge brought up? I didn't see the debate, but it sounds over the top. Although a duel would save a lot of lives. And at least Bush didn't say he got 100% of the votes and a voter turnout of 100%, even if he acts like he did.


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