<nettime> morons in the media; a brief transcription

JC Helary suzume at mx82.tiki.ne.jp
Wed Nov 27 21:18:27 PST 2002

>From: Bill Spornitz <spornitz at mts.net>
>Subject: <nettime> morons in the media; a brief transcription

>2 Letters to the Editor that appeared in The Victoria Times Colonist,
>Monday, Nov. 25, 2002:
>1. Francoise Ducros, Prime Minister Jean Chretien's director of
>communications certainly should apologize immediately -- to all morons.
>Morons are a quiet, generous and peaceful breed -- many of my best
>friends and relatives are morons -- and to call U.S. President George W.
>Bush a moron is an insult to morons everywhere.
>James L. Tucker
>Sidney, BC
>2. The communications officer in the Prime Minister's Office who called
>President George W. Bush a "moron" had better stay away from the United
>States. The penalty for revealing state secrets is 25 years with no
>Ian Cameron,
>Brentwood Bay, BC
>> The best part of the whole Moron thing (I'm sure she really said
>> Mormon) is that every hour, on the hour, a cbc reporter says the
>> phrase *President George Bush is a moron...*, quoting the
>> communications director, who's gifts in direct communication are to
>> be celebrated.
>> b
>> ps - Bombers in '03!
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