Samir Amin on Islam

Peter K. peterk at
Sat Nov 30 12:16:41 PST 2002

Reed Tryte:

>> "I hate and despise Hezbollah and Palestinian
>> suicide-murderers, as they ought to be called,
>> but they'd have to work day and night for
>> years to equal the total of civilians killed
>> in Lebanon alone, or by Sharon alone."
>Hmm. That sounds like he's asserting that Hezbollah
>and Palestinian terrorism on its worst day is no worse
>than Israeli foreign policy on a good day. I just hope
>there's an English-born contrarian writer around to
>call him soft on Islamo-fascism.
>I assume there's a fair amount of tension in Hitchens'
>mind between the fact that his view of Al-Qaida and
>the Likud view of Hamas are exactly the same. I wonder
>how this tension will be resolved?

All cuteness aside, the difference is Israel invaded Lebanon and the occupied territories. What did the US do to Al-Qaida? He said the above on CPSAN and that contrarian Andrew Sullivan went ballistic.


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