Workers of the world...relax

Dennis Perrin dperrin at
Tue Oct 1 11:53:57 PDT 2002

>That said, I do not think that Marxian
> motivations are sufficient to solve the problems of doing necessary labor,
> or gettingit done. Given my druthers, I'd rather do social or legal
> philosophy than solve legal problems (whatever sort of problems might
> my skills under your favored socialism). We still need incentives,
> and negative, to keep people's minds on their work. Otherewise, like you,
> they will be parasites and shirkers, and maybe proud of it.
> jks

What I don't get about the Abolition of Work crowd, and perhaps I'm missing the point, is -- What do they propose to do about necessary labor like sanitation, construction, electrical maintenance, fire fighting, police work, auto repair, crop planting, food distribution, among the many other obvious things one can list? Should we build an army of robots to do this? And if so, who will build them? Wouldn't that require work? And most pressing of all, who will tend to raising the robots' political consciousness?


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