***** About one billion people go without clean water but nearly 2.5 billion are without basic sanitation....The world suffers 6,000 avoidable deaths daily, mostly among the young. <http://www.earthtimes.org/aug/opinionfromtheaug27_02.htm> *****
***** ...In the year 2000, 508 million people lived in 31 water-stressed or water-scarce countries. By 2025, 3 billion people will be living in 48 such countries. By 2050, 4.2 billion people (over 45 per cent of the global total) will be living in countries that cannot meet the requirement of 50 litres of water per person each day to meet basic human needs....The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that about 1.1 billion people do not have access to clean water. For the first time, official statistics reflect a decline in water coverage compared to previous estimates.
In developing countries, 90-95 per cent of sewage and 70 per cent of industrial wastes are dumped untreated into surface waters where they pollute the water supply. In many industrial countries, chemical run-off from fertilizers and pesticides, and acid rain from air pollution require expensive and energy-intensive filtration and treatment to restore acceptable water quality.... <http://www.unfpa.org/swp/2001/english/ch01.html> *****
***** New analysis by the International Energy Agency, published here in Johannesburg, shows that 1.6 billion people today have no access to electricity. 2.4 billion rely on primitive biomass for cooking and heating, with concomitant health damage (mostly to women and children) and environmental degradation. What is more shocking is that, in the absence of radical new policies, 1.4 billion people will still have no access to electricity in 30 years time; and the number reliant on primitive biomass for cooking and heating will actually rise, to 2.6 billion.
<http://www.iea.org/new/releases/2002/johannesburg2.htm> *****
Capitalism won't bring even the most basic mod cons, like adequate supplies of clean water, sanitation, and electricity, to all the people in the world, not to mention anything better. -- Yoshie
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