A Henry Miller Moment [and, sort of, blogging]

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Sat Oct 5 18:59:03 PDT 2002

Dennis Robert Redmond wrote:
> On Sat, 5 Oct 2002, Dennis Perrin wrote:
> > Who has "less banal content" -- your hero Milosevic?
> (Ahem). We can do without this sort of ad hominem stuff.

I'm really puzzled. It can't be all that pleasant to be so ripped apart by the very existence of another person. I mean, he doesn't have to read me or Yoshie. And no political point is gained: anyone who might take him seriously must already agree with him. Can you imagine someone who admires or listens seriously to Carrol and/or Yoshie up to the very minute that DP identifies Cox's hero, and then immediately changes his/her opinion of me? Interesting.


> -- Dennis

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