A Henry Miller Moment [and, sort of, blogging]

Catherine Driscoll catherine.driscoll at adelaide.edu.au
Sun Oct 6 07:25:59 PDT 2002

> Easton Ellis wrote one fine, if overlong, book -- "American Psycho."
> Hemingway does nothing for me. But Miller is, in my minor opinion,
> one of
> the great American writers. If you don't get it, you don't get it.
> Art is
> subjective. And at its best, brutal.

I recently read American Psycho, and Glamorama. I can understand why people were impressed with AP, if they read the good bits and ignored the rest. My god does it need editing, and it's very uneven.

Sure 'art' is subjective, appreciation of novels is subjective, but that doesn't mean it's not possible to discuss things like style or place novels in an historical context that can be used to give a little more useful content statements like Henry Miller doesn't impress me at all. but no I didn't do anything more than say I didn't like him. So, fair enough. I still don't see how the quote is useful or insightful in the context you were using it.


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