church folks against war

Dennis Perrin dperrin at
Sun Oct 6 14:45:05 PDT 2002

> I'm not sure what you're talking about Dennis. I have a couple of friends
> who went to Nicaragua, neither religious, both leftists; they risked their
> lives in order to help (one with computers, the other with forging links
> with unions).
> I hated the empty sloganeering and paper waving as much as anyone, but
> as there are differences among church groups (some got involved, some
> so there are and were differences among leftists.
> Joanna

I wasn't talking about the brigadistas, a good number of whom I knew (and one of whom I dated for a time), though there were those who went to Nicaragua as a fashion statement. Yes, there were white secular lefties who did good things in Central America at that time; but in my experience it was the church folk, specifically in the Sanctuary Movement, who saved lives on a daily basis while putting themselves in the crosshairs of Reagan's "Justice" Dept. I still have tremendous respect for them, and they stood in stark contrast from the paper wavers who did nothing for no one. That, in a nutshell, is what I'm talking about.


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