A Henry Miller Moment [and, sort of, blogging]

Catherine Driscoll catherine.driscoll at adelaide.edu.au
Sun Oct 6 18:18:35 PDT 2002

Thanks Yoshie

I can't get into it at present, but I'll try another time. I'd much rather read Anais Nin than Miller and really that's saying something, though Nin on herself and others when she's not writing 'art' is a good time and rather compelling. But my not admiring Anais Nin's fiction might be annoyance at the 'oh my god, erotic fiction by a woman, oooo...' response to her work. It does really irritate me, and I haven't read that much of her stuff.


> Here's Anaïs Nin on Henry Miller and Lawrence Durrell:
> <." target="l">http://media.salon.com/mp3s/nin1.mp3>. It sounds
> like the audience
> got a great kick out of her talk. Perhaps, in the future, Miller
> will be a footnote to Anaïs Nin's life, and Hemingway, to Martha
> Gellhorn's.

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