Bush Threatens Veto of Defense Bill

Dennis Perrin dperrin at comcast.net
Wed Oct 9 10:05:50 PDT 2002

> The problem with this is that a party based on unions is a membership
> organization. A lot of rank and file unionists supported the war in
> Afghanistan. If you want to be democratic in your organization you
> have to reflect that. As Tony Mazzocchi used to point out, a lot of
> oil workers' contracts include the first day of hunting season as a
> holiday - so the LP was in no position to support gun control, as
> left-wing intellectuals and activists would tell them they should. So
> there are constraints on any reassessment of strategy or
> confrontation with the reality of empire.

> Doug

Quite true. But seriously, Doug, a realistic assessment like this will break apart once it enters the vision field of the person you're addressing. Theory-driven ideologues who are divorced from the day-to-day can rarely see things as they are, and so they must dismantle reality using blunt academic instruments -- but not physical ones, as that would require sweat and labor and, ugh, direct contact with people they are supposedly helping to liberate.


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