Senator Byrd

Steven Hertzberg mailinglist at
Wed Oct 9 12:24:45 PDT 2002

While I was unable to locate the text of Byrd's speech on the Senate floor Tuesday, the link link below is from an earlier speech that closely resembles Byrd's remarks on the Senate floor Tuesday. ct2002_2.html

[snip] "Think for a moment of the precedent that this resolution will set, not just for this President but for future Presidents. From this day forward, American Presidents will be able to invoke Senate Joint Resolution 46 as justification for launching preemptive military strikes against any sovereign nations that they perceive to be a threat. Other nations will be able to hold up the United States as the model to justify their military adventures. Do you not think that India and Pakistan, China and Taiwan, Russia and Georgia are closely watching the outcome of this debate? Do you not think that future adversaries will look to this moment to rationalize the use of military force to achieve who knows what ends?" [snip]

_________________________________ Steven Hertzberg

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