release Milosevic!

Peter K. peterk at
Thu Oct 10 10:09:28 PDT 2002

>Todd Archer wrote:
>>Yes, I saw that. So why bring in US desegregation?
>It's funny the way that keeps popping up. It's as if those making the
>comparisons view the U.S. south as foreign territory - backward,
>primitive, and uniquely racist - and not an integral part of the
>U.S., though subject to federal jurisdiction. And as if the rest of
>the world is equally subject to U.S. jurisdiction, for being
>backward, primitive, and uniquely violent.

That's very Ace Cockburn of you. US desegragation is a good argument against those who say the US Federal government is uniquely evil and can never do any good anywhere at anytime. Which is why it must annoy some people when it's brought up. Also, Afghanistan was/is pretty backward and primitive and violent. And the Taliban were sexist if not racist.


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