Bush Threatens Veto of Defense Bill

Bradford DeLong jbdelong at uclink.berkeley.edu
Wed Oct 9 18:45:27 PDT 2002

> >Zizek says in his Lenin book that one should only make the argument
>>that there's no difference between the two parties (two principal
>>parties in countries outside the U.S., like the CDU and the SDP in
>>Germany) when the more liberal party is in office. When the rightwing
>>party is in power, too many additional people are being damaged. I
> >think there may be something to that.

In short, that one should spend half one's time lying to all and sundry?

I think there's a powerful difference between someone who regards voters as an "us"--as his or her partners in a common enterprise, as people to be educated and informed so that they can make vital decisions--and someone who regards voters as a "them"--people to be fed whatever line is convenient at the moment the better to manipulate them.

We're never going to get to utopia by following people of the second type.

Brad DeLong

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