body counts, war crimes etc

frank scott frank at
Thu Oct 10 21:58:32 PDT 2002

"In fact, crimes were committed on a horrific scale in the municipality of Prijedor where more than 52,000 non- Serbs, mainly Muslims, were killed or expelled."

this "or" sounds like bush-blair with their "if-could-would" bullshit...what if it were 51,999 expelled? would it make a difference to selective body counters?

and if monster-man milosevic is a war criminal for deep-liberalism lefties who believe any number of murders is genocide( only if they occur among the politically correct groups), shouldn't we be screeching for war criminal trials for American or Israeli butchers and expellers? don't hang by your lip waiting for that form of justice...much easier to declaim about the milosevic-saddam-stalin-fill-in-your-favorite-monsters elsewhere and remain mute and/or helpless to stop the murderous ones we are directly responsible for... fs

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