Genocide Awareness Project re: abortion

Dennis Perrin dperrin at
Fri Oct 11 08:11:33 PDT 2002

> -- *if* a fetus were to be considered a baby. What should people do
> in response to genocide? (1) Recommend sex education, contraception,
> adoption, public assistance for indigent mothers, etc.? (2) Or make
> abortion a crime and/or take up arms against abortion providers and
> women who have abortion, as some on the right have tried to do (and
> succeeded in killing some abortion providers)? Those who argue for
> (1) while arguing that a fetus is a baby cheapen the meanings of the
> words murder and genocide, by condoning those who commit them.

Let's see -- developing humans are "parasites." Check. Acknowledging political realties when dealing with a complex moral issue is "illogical." Check. Logic dictates that if one were truly "pro-life," one would "take up arms" and shoot doctors. Check.

So, Yoshie, if you were pregnant and decided to abort, and I shot the doctor who was going to perform the procedure, you would respect me for acting "logically"?

Check (please!).


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