Women's Class Struggle Re: Abortion, Russia, birthrate

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Sat Oct 12 02:15:39 PDT 2002

At 3:32 AM -0400 10/12/02, Chris Doss wrote:
>No. 37
>October 2002
> The family in Russia is hit by a profound crisis. The age
>of people that marry for the first time is approaching 30
>years, while the number of children born in new families is on
>the decline.

That's not just a trend in Russia but nearly everywhere in the world, very pronounced in Japan for instance. Late marriages and fewer children are in part in response to capital's offensive, in part in response to sexist discrimination, and in part women's simple desire, ability, and effort to live their own lives as they determine.

We can see the falling birth rate as women workers' way of waging a slow and steady class struggle, without anyone -- even themselves -- noticing it as such. Where would capital be without ceaseless economic growth brought about in part by increasing numbers of workers/consumers? -- Yoshie

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