
/ dave / arouet at
Tue Oct 15 16:51:29 PDT 2002

Kendall Clark wrote:

Doug Henwood wrote: (...)

They've done some kind of "upgrade" - a few of the formats/options changed ever-so-slightly earlier today, so it's possible the message bounces and related problems over the past few days had something to do with the changeover.

More than that, they appear to have done something drastic to deal with spam as well, though I can't imagine what. Prior to today I was typically waking each morning to 35-50 spam messages in my Hotmail account, with another 50 or so coming during the day. Today I've received exactly 7 - which, far from making me feel better, actually makes me wonder how in the world they could possibly be filtering spam so effectively without eliminating mail I need to get.


/ dave /

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