Democratic Left_ list (UFT)

Nathan Newman nathan at
Thu Oct 17 07:28:14 PDT 2002

----- Original Message ----- From: "Peter K." <peterk at>
>Hey and while you third party folks will grit your teeth, throwing a few
>endorsements to republicans is probably far more effective in making Dems
>work for the pro-labor vote than endorsing a Green.
>-- Nathan

-I don't know about that. The Teamsters and the Carpenters have been -coyly winking and smiling at Bush and what did they get in return? -Taft-Hartley, that's what.

The Teamsters and the Carpenters are idiots-- you don't even wink at a politician whose goal in life is to fuck you. What makes sense for labor is at points, in very selective cases, to reward the pro-labor Republicans that still exist, especially when they are almost guaranteed reelection. They may not be as dependable as progressive Dems, but it keeps a few cosponsors of labor legislation and some agents to push the agenda when the Dems are not in control of a chamber. The point is not to endorse many GOPers but just a few for very strategic reasons-- same reason I would support Green endorsements in some cases, but only as part of a general coordinated strategy of moving the Dems, not as suicide "run even against Wellstone" purist approach, as the Greens currently do.

-- Nathan Newman

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