Might of Eurozilla

dredmond at efn.org dredmond at efn.org
Thu Oct 17 19:40:26 PDT 2002

Portugal has already thumbed its nose at the 3% Maastricht limit; France, Italy and now Germany are all telling the ECB to shove off. And now this:

"Prodi launched an astonishing onslaught against the pact, which his own commission has steadfastly defended against criticism that it strangles growth.

'I know very well that the stability pact is stupid, just like all decisions that are rigid,' the former Italian prime minister told the French newspaper Le Monde, while arguing it remained the basic framework for the euro."

http://www.eubusiness.com/cgi-bin/item.cgi?id=93716&u=6035dB64&m=4275 (I think this is accessible to non-registrees, if not, let me know and I'll repost full text).

-- Dennis

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