Hitch on Hardball

Nathan Newman nathan at newman.org
Fri Oct 18 10:25:46 PDT 2002

----- Original Message ----- From: "Gordon Fitch" <gcf at panix.com>
>In a sense, I think Hitchens has always been a right-winger,
>but has just been slow about coming to himself. The curious
>thing, if any, is that it has taken him so long. There are
>lots of people like that, and I don't understand the big
>deal that is made about them.

And thus proves Hitch's point-- how is he a rightwinger? Haven't heard him renounce a dime of social democratic values, even if he has become skeptical of what socialism would be at this point. On foreign policy, he still denounces the corporate intentions of Bush, even if he thinks the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are justified for the democratic results.

Was Hitchens pushed or did he jump from the Nation? It was obviously a case of both, as the immediate excommunication he suffered shows.

-- Nathan Newman

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