Hitch on Hardball

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Fri Oct 18 15:09:51 PDT 2002

>Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:
>>***** Human Rights Watch
>>Providing Bush with ammo for attack on Iraq
>>By Heather Cottin
>She's the widow of Sean Gervasi, who was quite pro-Serb (until his
>death a few years ago). Sean had many virtues, and Heather did too
>as I rmeember her - I liked them quite a lot. But I just couldn't
>warm to Slobo. I see this was in Workers World. How sad.

What are you sad about? Their view of Milosevic or Serbs or Kurds or HRW? I simply posted the article, because it's not true that leftists dropped the subject of Kurds when it became clear that the US moved from sanctions to war. -- Yoshie

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