Towards a More Sex-Positive...Left

Kelley jimmyjames at
Sat Oct 19 15:18:14 PDT 2002

At 02:41 PM 10/19/02 -0500, Carrol Cox wrote:

>According to a grad school friend, Henry Miller argued his works were
>not pornographic on the grounds that they were comic and it is not
>possible to get an erection while laughing???

phallocentric, indeed!

this convo is so hilarious. consider that giggles are about being embarrassed. a defense mechanism, if you will. for pity's sake, having some uptight fuckmuffin telling us that giggles are somehow a sign of something bad in a discussion about how we harbor puritanical attitudes toward sex and expecting us to, instead, intellectualize it all--so as to, once again avoid conflicting feelings--without recognizing that intellectualizing it all is, itself, just another defense mechanism--not to mention a demand to behave with propriety about the topic--is just too hilarious!


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