Kurds and Human Rights Watch (Re: Hitch on Hardball

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Mon Oct 21 04:30:46 PDT 2002

>In short, citing the Kurds as a possible justification for this war is
>wrong from top to bottom. The administration, god bless them, doesn't do
>it. I urge quite strongly that you should abandon it yourself. Even in
>double hypothetical form (i.e you're against the war, but if you were for
>the war, this is why you would be, if the administration could be trusted
>to do anything about it), it hasn't got a single grain of sense to it.
>If you want to hypothetically consider possible liberal humanitarian
>reasons for supporting the war, you should do it on behalf of Iraqi Arabs.
>They are the ones who could conceivably benefit.

The only argument for the war against Iraq that liberals can make is that the US will end the economic sanction that has been called genocide once it wins (though the end of sanction will be economically bad for the Kurds in Iraq); liberals might argue that deaths from the war will be fewer than deaths from the continuing sanction if the war is short. -- Yoshie

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