Subject: Re: sex and the left

EE erikempson at
Thu Oct 24 11:25:10 PDT 2002

> Subject: Re: sex and the left

Its not so much about sex in itself, its about the defensive regulative mindset of people on the 'left'. Its about an ageing of the left, its re-emergence in the shape of people who have grown bitter and cynical. People who become absorbed with their children and by having _real_responsibilities, and doing _real_ jobs. Its about the self importance that goes along with being public, as well as the fear of doing and speaking inappropriately. Its about harboured conservative instincts rarely acknowledged nor considered except in deoxigenated debate within moral philosophy. Its about a sensibility of decency and dignity and of moral censure - part of the slip into thinking about values rather than interests, desires and needs. Ultimately the sex thing just reflects that most left politics have come down to expressions of a fundamental desire for stability, an inner longing for the state. Its theoretical discourse has become almost completely a form of political liberalism and the shift has barely been noticed. It is a puritanism and it sees power only as order, it hates the other kind - power to - and secretly knows its own pretences to enact it are farcical. Its not so much that the much of the left is anti-sex, much more deeply they are just anti.

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