Hitchens in the Post

Bradford DeLong jbdelong at uclink.berkeley.edu
Tue Oct 29 18:01:12 PST 2002

>Peter K. wrote:
>>I'm curious to hear what people think of Saddam opening up the
>Speaking of prisons, just got the Bureau of Justice Statistics
>"Prisoners in 2001" in the mail. It reports that 3.5% of black men
>in the U.S. are sentenced prisoners - i.e., not merely in local
>jails awaiting booking or trial or sleeping off a binge, but serving
>time in a state or federal prison - and 10% of all black males
>between age 25 and 29. Truly fucking remarkable numbers.
>A mere .5% of all white men, and 1.2% of those in their late 20s,
>are in a similar situation.
>The pub is available at <http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/abstract/p01.htm>.

Jesus H Fucking Christ! What a country!

Brad DeLong

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