sex and the left

joanna bujes joanna.bujes at
Thu Oct 31 09:50:29 PST 2002

At 09:52 AM 10/31/2002 -0500, you wrote:
> > "Clean my house."
>Housecleaning is a subspecies of "feminization", a regular,
>conventionalized S&M practice for which well-off men pay
>hundreds of dollars per session. It's usually accompanied
>by cross-dressing (another subspecies in itself) and often
>by bondage and physical and verbal "discipline" (i.e.
>punishment play).

Actually, I was bemused at Kelly's story. I seem to remember that about a year ago Kelly was arguing vociferously that paying someone to clean your house was definitely not PC. So, how goes it Kell: it's demeaning to pay a woman to clean your house, but it's not demeaning to ask a sex worker to clean your house?


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