In one of the methods Brad DeLong is 83!
It was interesting to see that the only UMass [where I work] people in the Sala-i-Martin table were a Poli Sci prof (because the method includes major Poli Sci journals without any attempt to show economic relevance) and a mechanical engineering prof.
Doug Henwood wrote:
> For a list of the top 1000 most-cited economists, see
> <http://www.columbia.edu/~xs23/1000%20top%20Citations.pdf>.
> Xavier Sala-i-Martin has the most annoying website I've ever seen for an
> academic that I've ever seen <http://www.columbia.edu/~xs23/home.html>.
> Doug
-- "Roar reason roar in power again They'll be selling out the women like they sold out the men"
--Mekons "Thee Olde Road to Jerusalem"