Bye bye ms Coulter

Peter K. peterk at
Thu Sep 5 18:36:53 PDT 2002

Coulter followed the Grateful Dead in her youth according to a piece in last week's New York Observer. I can imagine her in a Deadhead outfit, dancing a Deadhead dance, saying things like "Groovy!" and "Far out!"

>> She's a very popular conservative writer of the David Horowitz tendency.
>> >From this side of the Atlantic its hard to see how relevant she is. From the
>> little I've read of her (she's a piss poor polemicist), she reads like she's
>> basically preaching to the converted. Her arguments are incoherent, she
>> makes stuff up and should be a joke...except she still gets invited onto
>> talk shows as an important political thinker. Which speaks volumes about the
>> right wing biases of the US media. I can't think of a liberal who gets the
>> easy ride that she and others of her ilk get.

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