a critique of the march on Sandton

n/ a blackkronstadt at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 7 07:23:51 PDT 2002

>But, my point was that, too often it seems, much of the anarchist
>seems to be criticism in the negative without posing any theory-- let alone
>praxis-- in the positive. Thus it seems that a lot of far-left posturing is
>going on without any substantive discussion on what should be done.

For me, as someone who is actually involved in the anarchist movement, I don't see any of this criticism without the positive suggestion of theory going on. There are volumes upon volumes of anarchist theory that is very closely inrerwoven with practice, both historical and present. Could you give us some examples? If you are somehow unsure about some aspect of anarchist theory, please speak up and I could doubtless direct you to a myriad of literary resources [possibly even living organisations] that could answer your queries in full.

In short, anarchism has always engaged in substantive discussion on what should be done.


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