Lenin on character of Soviet state

Dddddd0814 at aol.com Dddddd0814 at aol.com
Sat Sep 7 13:29:47 PDT 2002

<<As if "Leninists" don't dismiss with contempt independent nations by calling them "formally independent", "semi-colonies", "neo-colonies" etc. As if "Leninists" don't show their contempt for national liberation struggles, if they are not lead by "vanguards" guided by "Leninist" pseudo-theories. Ulhas>>

"By supporting the right to secession, we are told, you are supporting the bourgeois nationalism of the oppressed nations. This is what Rosa Luxemburg says, and she is echoed by Semkovsky, the opportunist, who incidentally is the only representative of liquidationist ideas on this question, in the liquidationist newspaper! "Our reply to this is: No, it is to the bourgeoisie that a "practical" solution of this question is important. To the workers the important thing is to distinguish the principles of the two trends. ****Insofar as the bourgeoisie of the oppressed nation fights the oppressor, we are always, in every case, and more strongly than anyone else, in favour, for we are the staunchest and the most consistent enemies of oppression. But insofar as the bourgeoisie of the oppressed nation stands for its own bourgeois nationalism, we stand against. We fight against the privileges and violence of the oppressor nation, and do not in any way condone strivings for privileges on the part of the oppressed nation."

Lenin, the Right of Nations of Self-Determination, ch.4 http://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1914/self-det/index.htm

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