Afghan war dead

Charles Jannuzi b_rieux at
Sat Sep 14 17:23:31 PDT 2002

DP expresses himself as such:

> Question: Assuming you are old enough, did you
> engage in such elaborate math
> when the Soviets were wiping out whole Afghan
> villages in the 1980s? Did you
> mock those who supported this? Or is it just
> the US intervention you
> despise?
> Your 20,000 dead is one of hope, not despair.
> You seem to desire as many
> corpses as possible in order to justify the
> position you've already taken. I
> know how this game's played. Used to play it
> myself when I was much younger.
> DP

Sorry Dennis P. The record shows I'm 41 years old, so most definitely old enough to have had an opinion about Afghanistan. So POPS, how old are you? Does this explain anything?

The record will also show I was for a peace settlement in Afghanistan using what international means were available. If they were insufficient, you can be sure the US played no small part in making it so. Of course, I must admit I was often distracted preparing myself for the Sandanistan invasion of the US.

Yes, with shame, I admit, I wet myself--laughing at you, and Luke W. Having changed my BVDs, I now think fondly of my memories of seriously discussing issues with a bunch of jokers like yourself. Of course, you succeeded in bringing the discussion to the level you can best deal with, but I'd like to get back to my methodology of despair. 20,000 dead or US precision bombing kills almost as many civilians as combatants. Face it.


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