
Dennis Perrin dperrin at
Sun Sep 15 13:32:40 PDT 2002

> Peter K. quoted Hitch:
> >America is the greatest of all subjects for a writer, in the first
> >place because of its infinite
> >space and depth and variety, and also because it is ultimately
> >founded upon an idea.
> It's rather sad to see someone of his talent descend into this kind of
> Doug

If it was meant as a cliché, that is. America -- the country filled with people, not the state -- is indeed a great subject for a writer. Below the pop culture/corporate surface exists myriad stories and complex lives that are unique to a massive, multiethnic, relatively free society. I don't know if Hitch is alluding to this specifically, but as I get older I find it to be the case, and it never ceases to fascinate me.

As for the "idea," it depends on what you're talking about. If you mean the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, then no, I wouldn't consider it a cliché, especially now.


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