Gulf War Syndrome stats withheld

JBrown72073 at JBrown72073 at
Mon Sep 16 13:31:56 PDT 2002

>From: Yoshie Furuhashi <furuhashi.1 at>
>Subject: Re: Gulf War Syndrome stats withheld
>Jenny Brown wrote:
>>While working on our September issue, I read a numbing quantity of left
>>articles opposing a U.S. attack on Iraq, and noticed that none of
>>them mentioned Gulf War Syndrome. [...] I'd be happy to be proven wrong.
>Look harder, and you'll find a number of them. E.g.:

Thanks. (Though to defend my research abilities, in all their poverty, two of these three were written after we went to press.)

>Yes, that's an angle worth bringing up every day, but for that to get
>a serious hearing, a sizable number of combat veterans and -- more
>importantly -- _soldiers on active duty themselves_, risking
>punishments, need to begin speaking up along this line.
>- --

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