>>>Do you actually have evidence that many leftists have refused to condemn 9.11 terrors?
>>All the time. On this list, in print, and in many conversations. A few people even said we deserved it - heard by my own ears, and not hearsay.
>I don't travel in the same circle as yours as far as conversations go, but on this list and in print, whom do you have in mind?
I freely admit to believing Americans deserved it. As I've said of course, that doesn't mean I refuse to condemn it, or even that I lack sympathy. Doug has it in his mind perhaps that to believe that Americans deserve it amounts to supporting it. But of course it doesn't logically follow. I don't have to be either for or against them.
To draw an an analogy, some murderers deserve to die. people who do really stupid and dangerous things deserve to suffer the consequences. But I don't support the death penalty for murderers, or for people who engage in dangerous pastimes. I don't refuse to condemn the death penalty.
Doug's leap of logic equating the sentiments in "refuse to condemn", and "a few people even said we deserve it", is the same logic by which it is argued that if we refuse to support the death penalty for killers, we must be supporting murder. This sort of blinkered attitude is exactly why Americans deserved the attacks of 11th September.
Bill Bartlett Bracknell Tas