
Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Tue Sep 17 07:20:01 PDT 2002

billbartlett at wrote:

>Doug Henwood wrote:
>>>Do you actually have evidence that many leftists have refused to
>>>condemn 9.11 terrors?
>>All the time. On this list, in print, and in many conversations. A
>>few people even said we deserved it - heard by my own ears, and not
>That is hearsay.

Hearsay: "Evidence based on the reports of others rather than the personal knowledge of a witness and therefore generally not admissible as testimony."

> But just because you deserve it doesn't mean we refuse to condemn it.

Let's be careful with this "you" stuff. Residents of First World countries, even career dole recipients in Tasmania, enjoy incomes ten to twenty times that of the world's poor because of a global hierarchy enforced by the U.S. Canadians, Western Europeans, and Australians get to mount a high moral horse while still enjoying the material rewards of Empire.


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