ratting on profs

Max B. Sawicky sawicky at bellatlantic.net
Thu Sep 19 11:09:06 PDT 2002

pms wrote:

>Anyone know what really happened in Montreal?

There are two separate issues here. There seems little doubt that some demonstrators sought to shut down the gathering by blocking entrances, disrupting, breaking windows, that sort of thing. All good clean fun. So you can relive the ancient debates about denying free speech to people you don't like (and Netanyahu supplies all the don't like anyone should need).

There were also reports of Jews being individually assaulted and harrassed with anti-semitic slurs and worse. I wasn't there so I don't know if this part is true, but the possibility of it should not be dismissed out of hand. If it isn't too obvious, such incidents, true or rumored, supply invaluable propaganda to Zionists and the Right.


>The War on Campus

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