ratting on profs

Dennis Perrin dperrin at comcast.net
Thu Sep 19 12:32:42 PDT 2002

> I of course agree wholly with this. But to carry forward a position I
> first developed in respect to Weatherman, and which is applicable to the
> RCP, various anarchist trends, evolutionary psycholgy, Cooperesque
> carping from the sidelines, etc etc, leftists (and when we create a
> Left, The Left) have to learn to live with this sort of thing.
> Capitalism endlessly generates freakish positions (many of which,
> naturally, have some fragment of validity that can attract even quite
> rational and/or decent people), and on the whole "we" (when a we
> emerges) have to respond to such freakish positions not by frontal
> assault but by working to create a contrasting center of gravity in a
> mass movement which by its activity can undercut the appeal of the
> freakish.
> Carrol

Given the various strands of lefty thought and action, many of which, if successful, would doubtlessly become politically (and if threatened, physically) repressive, I can't see a genuine Left, whole and pure, ever emerging in the United States -- especially a Left that tried to completely dismantle capitalism. Maybe after the cataclysm, where rival tribes battle for resources and minds. But certainly not before.


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