
Bradford DeLong jbdelong at
Thu Sep 19 13:25:12 PDT 2002

>Bradford DeLong wrote:
>>And when I finally crack and become a neoconservative
>I've been a conservative. The company is even stranger than being a
>leftist, and I don't mean that in a good way. For every Chris
>Caldwell there are ten people who will tell you about the Queen of
>England's alliance with Henry Kissinger, or espouse caveman sexual
>ethics, or will insist that minimum wage laws are immoral and
>corrupting, or take policy guidance from Leviticus, or even, as in
>the case of a former Party of the Right Chair who was briefly a GOP
>candidate for governor of Massachusetts, sit naked in his office
>while eating a Chinese lunch.

I understand that Chinese food can be messy and dry-cleaning bills expensive, but it sounds like there were other causes...

Brad DeLong

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