Lefty despair

Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Fri Sep 20 15:00:03 PDT 2002

Dennis (not Eugene! http://btobsearch.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?btob=Y&isbn=0300061838 ) Perrin>...Popular Front culture was by and large subordinate to the Party. How many ex- (and not quite so ex-) commies later complained about how their articles, books and songs had to reflect the Party Line and the CP's view of Americanism? No, not every single person had to bow to Browder and Co., but for many it was an ideologically rigid time.

Yup. Just read any of these standard texts on the treatment of such as Richard Wright, Albert Maltz, James T. Farrell and Max Eastman. "Writers on the Left, " by Daniel Aaron, preface by Alan Wald, Columbia U. Press. "A Note on Literary Criticism, " by James T. Farrell, Columbia U. Press. "The NY Intellectuals, " by Alan Wald, U. of N. Carolina Press if memory serves. "Artists In Uniform, " by Max Eastman. A warmer treatment of PopFront in, "The Cultural Front, " Verso Books, by Michael Denning. Navasky also deals w/Maltz affair in, "Naming Names." Michael Pugliese

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