left/right cults (was re: Lefty Despair)

Brian O. Sheppard x349393 bsheppard at bari.iww.org
Fri Sep 20 18:47:21 PDT 2002

On a different but related note: Dave Arnott's _Corporate Cults_ is an interesting read. His assertion? Many corporations could be called cults as well. They fit the criteria, according to him: devotion, charismatic/inspirational leadership, and separation from community. He doesn't discuss all corporations as being cultic, just certain ones that for example have much of the "team building" type workshops, getaways, on-site facilities, pep rallies, bowling teams, etc etc.

And while he makes some interesting points it's obvious early on in his book that he has no sense of class analysis. The solution is not to unionize or act in solidarity with other employees against the "cult" but follows the typical Oprah-esque pattern of "making time for you" and "learning to be assertive and say no." Arnott is actually a Business Management Professor at Baptist Univ here in Dallas. The book is not one to read if one's expecting anti-capitalist analysis, in other words. But I thought it worth mentioning.


On Fri, 20 Sep 2002, Michael Pugliese wrote:

> Great book (and Tim is the nicest Trot I know) co-written by Tim Wohlforth on left and right
> political cults http://www.mesharpe.com/results.asp?Title=On+the+Edge%
> 3A+Political+Cults+Right+and+Left
> On the Edge: Political Cults Right and Left
> Authored by: Dennis Tourish; Tim Wohlforth

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