
jean-christophe helary suzume at mx82.tiki.ne.jp
Sat Sep 21 00:03:32 PDT 2002

<Bradford DeLong>-----
> >
> >where do opec countries stand in your picture ?
> >
> >jc helary
> Except for Iraq, Indonesia, and Nigeria, the big oil producers are
> all relatively rich.

rich in term of gdp per capita but what about wealth ditribution ? can't it be said that saudi arabia (for ex.) is exploited by the us (and the west in general) thanks to a clique they keep in power at the detriment of the population (incl. migrants) ?

plus the original post was mentioning 'exploiting most of the world' and you restrict this to imports from countries with a gdp per capita inferior to 1/3 the us. there are other forms of exploitations like importing qualified migrants, creating dependancies on exports etc that would probably give a better picture of how the biggest economy in the world is exploiting the rest of it. don't you think ?

jc helary

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