Lefty Despair and Re: More Michael Parenti Re: Deserving Americans

Dennis Perrin dperrin at comcast.net
Sun Sep 22 12:32:27 PDT 2002

Todd Archer:

> Or is it that you just oppose these currents of "The Left" and take the
> chance to attack them whenever you can? If that's the case, then forgive
> for wasting both our time (as well as Doug's bandwidth). Just come out
> say it: I hate Marxist-Leninists and Maoists because . . . .

. . . the vast majority of Americans, and I'd bet most people the world over, reject what the inevitable (and already proven) end results are when such ideologies are given state power. Read your Bakunin!

I've known, and still know, a fair number of Marxists, and I've even liked a few. I've never been a Marxist, and thought early on that those who specifically identified with a 19th century political thinker and critic lacked a measure of original thought and identity, and were, to a degree, no different than the religious folk they oftentimes ridicule.

Marxism simply isn't gonna take hold in this country -- not with its republican tradition -- and this mad belief in Marxism's ineivtable triumph is, again, similar to the belief in the Second Coming. And Maoism? Right. Wake me for that one.

As I've said before (and I'm happy to see Carrol concur), the left, whatever it is, has had a tremendous influence on mainstream society; and it's strength has derived from the ability of those who take social change seriously to change themselves when necessary, to adapt to and flow with historical currents. Unfortunately many lefties remain stuck in positions that have little relevance to the world around them, and they cling to these positions because that's all they know, or worse, arrogantly believe are superior to the common person's outlook on life. We've all seen this latter tendency all too often on this list, and what's "progressive" about it I've no idea.

> You've a great argument here that Parenti's a hypocrite. Why tar
> other Lefties with that brush unless you've got evidence?

I tar as targets present themselves. I thought I specifically zeroed in on Parenti. And yes, he's a hypocrite, but a Marxist, so . . .
> BTW, Dennis, if Yoshie's Spock (who is only half-Vulcan, and must hold
> emotions in check, not eliminate them), does that make you Spock's
> McCoy? The smart and caring doctor who flies into emotional rages until
> someone else metaphorically tosses cold water on him?

Damn it Todd! I'm a doctor, not a theoretician!

I've always liked McCoy, rages and all, and am flattered by your suggestion. I liked Spock, too, and was wary about equating him with Yoshie (given Spock's iron-clad logic and Yoshie's . . . whatever it is she does). But there aren't any real comparable crew members on the Enterprise, and the Gorns, Romulans and Klingons are too war-like to appeal to the peace forces of OSU.


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