On the Use of Maillists, was Re: cities

Dddddd0814 at aol.com Dddddd0814 at aol.com
Mon Sep 23 11:45:45 PDT 2002

(sorry, responding to an old post.... a couple of weeks is light years on this list!)

Carroll wrote:

>>But notice, your inaccuracy evoked a useful informational and analytical
post; i.t., your affirmtation of inaccurate information was far more useful than any vague question city and country in the 19th century would have been. I'm using your post to make a point in a debate that has been going on between Doug and me for a number of years. My claim is that my strong affirmations in effect pose questions which others then respond to in various ways, while his questions are in effect conversation stoppers. >>

I agree with this.... Trotsky said (paraphrasing) that sometimes the stick has too be bent too far one way if it has already been bent too far the other.

Best, David

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