
Dennis Perrin dperrin at
Mon Sep 23 12:27:13 PDT 2002

> David, response:

> With every comparison of Arabs to fascists, you provide ideological aid to
> the Bush regime in its ongoing genocide of Arab people. You also do a
> disrespect to the slaughter of 6 million innocent Jews, who did not die,
> to justify U.S. state terrorism in their name. It is a disgusting
> mischaracterization of the Holocaust, a form of revisionism akin to saying
> the Holocaust never happened at all.

I said that al-Qaeda and their Taliban pals were fascist in character, and they are in my view. I never compared all Arabs to fascists, and never would, especially given the amount of time and work I've devoted to Middle East issues and trying to raise awareness about the Palestinian plight.

The rest of your post regarding the Holocaust is just garbage. Tune me out, as I will you.


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