Jury Nullification

Kevin Robert Dean qualiall at union.org.za
Thu Sep 26 20:41:44 PDT 2002

On Fri, 27 Sep 2002 03:17:34 +0000

"Justin Schwartz" <jkschw at hotmail.com> wrote:

> >nullification....ect....
> >---
> Why should juries be denied the privileges accorded to
> the Courts of Appeals and the Supreme Court? jks

My very limited understanding is that Judges do not have to instruct jurors that they can nullify--ie, it was never considered a "right" (the example given was that the Jury has the power to say flip a coin to decide guilt or innocence, but they don't have a 'right' to do so)

I also believe, and I'm not positive that whatever decision the jury makes is "final"--the Judge can't overrule the jurors verdict...don't quote me on that one though... --- Sent from UnionMail Service [http://mail.union.org.za]

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