Hitchens Quits Nation

Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Fri Sep 27 16:25:17 PDT 2002

Doug wrote:
>Speaking of Hitchens, did people notice this passage from Adam
>Shatz's article
>And he seems to be in competition with Ann Coulter.
>PS: Memo to Wojtek - sometimes gossip is fun, and political gossip is
>more than tangentially political.
Memo to Doug - that's a little over-the-top. Coulter-like in other words.

This poor Shatz fellow seems conflicted: [clip] "The prowar left and the antiwar left have both tended to view the conflict through ideologically tinted prisms. Reflexive anti-Americanism is one such prism. As Don Guttenplan, a London-based correspondent for The Nation, observes, for a small but vocal section of American radicals, "there is only one imperialism, and if it isn't American it's not imperialism." In the past decade this theology of American evil has assumed increasingly twisted forms, including, in some cases, a creeping sympathy for Serbian nationalism. It has also produced a highly selective solicitude for the oppressed: "Muslim grievances" are to be heeded when they emanate from Palestine, but ignored or even repudiated when they arise in Bosnia or Kosovo. This has damaged the left's moral standing and widened the chasm with human rights activists, who should be our natural allies. [clip] Even so, the war against terror seems to have taken a sturdy hold on the left's most gifted polemicist, and has spilled over from gung-ho attitudes on American power into a pastiche of Bushism--at least in the area of foreign policy."

Most gifted? Could be true. Pastiche of Bushism? Nah.


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