War, Deflation, and the Three Bears

alex lantsberg wideye at ziplink.net
Sat Sep 28 20:06:15 PDT 2002

"developmental states" (which are seldom precisely defined -- most often, they are implicitly defined tautologically as states of nations that have experienced rapid economic development).

castells has done a whole lot of work on the "developmental state" and discussed and analyzed it extensively in "technopoles of the world." in his "information age" (1998, p. 270)he defines it as a state that "establishes as its principle of legitimacy its ability to promote and sustain development" and in a 1991 article (don't have the name) "A State is developmental when it establishes as its principle of legitimacy its ability to promote and sustain development, understanding by development the combination of steady high rates of economic growth and structural change in the productive system, both domestically and in its relationship to the international economy"

it could also be argued that the massive amount of USG's economic intervention in the form of military spending, probably the federal government's primary regional development tool, has made the US the world's largest developmental state.


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