<dd><a href="http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/geted.pl5?eo20020901a1.htm">http</a><a href="http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/geted.pl5?eo20020901a1.htm">://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/geted.pl5?eo20020901a1.htm</a><br>
<dd>September 1, 2002<br>
<dd>U.S. faces bigger issues than hitting Iraq<br>
<dd>Special to The Japan Times<br>
<dd>In America, a military attack against Iraq to remove
<dd>President Saddam Hussein from power seems to be a
<dd>foregone conclusion. U.S. newspaper reports have been
<dd>rife with various battle plans proposed by the
<dd>However, U.S. President George W. Bush's single-minded
<dd>pursuit of victory against the "terrorists" who
<dd>perpetrated the infamous Sept. 11 attacks has its
<dd>dangers. It would be particularly risky if top
<dd>priority is given to attacking Iraq while more urgent
<dd>problems, such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,
<dd>the recovery of U.S. economic vigor and the precarious
<dd>state of Latin American economies, are put aside. Bush
<dd>would be better advised to spend the rest of this year
<dd>attending to these more urgent issues.<br>
<dd>The world is more interdependent than Americans are
<dd>prepared to accept. Any immediate attack would
<dd>undermine innumerable delicate balances that exist
<dd>among divergent forces and interests in the world. It
<dd>is good, therefore, that the decision to go ahead
<dd>seems to have temporarily been postponed until some
<dd>time next year. Taking advantage of this respite, it
<dd>would be worthwhile to tell our American friends how
<dd>the average Japanese views a prospective U.S. military
<dd>strike against Hussein.<br>
<dd>First, most Japanese are not convinced that Iraq is
<dd>providing direct support to the al-Qaeda terrorist
<dd>group. So far, the Japanese government seems to be
<dd>giving Bush the benefit of the doubt. But when the
<dd>attack comes and begins to directly affect Japan --<br>