Why is My Country Bombing These Poor People?

Wojtek Sokolowski sokol at jhu.edu
Tue Apr 1 11:34:46 PST 2003

> it's nice to be reminded that a lot of ordinary americans are
> not the mindless, flag-waving neandertals that the media and
> their "opinion polls" would have us believe...

Good observation, indeed. The usual Greyhound clientele (the poor and students) tends to be against the war. Last weekend I had a chance of observing a pro-Bush pro-war rally in Harrisburg, PA, en route of that Grehound bus from the story. What I saw was relatively well off older crowd of, judging from appearances, office employees, skilled blue collar workers, firefighter/policemam types, retirees and assorted suburabanites. Some of them were shouting anti-Rendell (newly elected Demorcatic governor) slogans.

I'd say that main supporters are petty bourgeoisie that supported Bush in the first place - they support the war as a part of their continuing support for Bush.


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